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Home » Teachers » Links » Retirement
Making the decision to retire is a big decision to make. Your reason for retiring and what you will do next are two things to think about as you make the decision. Do you have a plan on how to meet your living expenses?  The average retiree will receive about 69% of their original salary as part of their TRS Benefits. Saving in other ways besides your TRS pension is a very valuable decision to make early on in your career. Check your TRS statement each year to make sure all is being reported correctly. You only have 5 years to correct a mistake in reporting by your district.

Retirement Age      
Information regarding how age, service credit, and TRS membership effects when you can retire can be found on this page. 

Retirement Calculations      
A basic pension caluclator and yearly service calculation information can be found on this page. 

Other Savings Options      
More information on 403b plans can be found on this page. 

Other Compensations Eligbile for Retirement      
Other duties that an ag science teacher perform in their jobs maybe compensation eligible for TRS purposes. Visit this page for more information.

Employment After Retirement      
If you will be a normal-age retiree, the information in this section is for you. You must wait one full calendar month before returning to employment with an employer covered by TRS, but you may negotiate before you retire for substitute, one-half time, or less employment that will begin after the one full, calendar-month break in service. You cannot, however, negotiate for full-time employment before you retire and before you observe the required one full, calendar-month break in service after you retire, unless the full-time employment begins after a full, consecutive-calendar-month break in service.

Helpful TRS Documents      
NameDate AddedSize
Service Credit Brochure 3/25/2024 769 KB
TRS Benefits Handbook 3/4/2020 2071 KB
TRS Employment after retirement Handbook 3/4/2020 20742 KB

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