Each year the Agriculture Teachers Association president assigns committees to evaluate, improve and carry out the activities of the Association.
Budget/Finance Committee
Jessica Reeves-Chair
Cody Berry
Tracey Cortez
Mark Davis
Jesse Guerra
Jayson Hill
Jimmy Key
Jay Newton
Staff: Ray Pieniazek
Communications Committee
Heather Rahm-Chair
Christy Tobola
Jay Trees
Officer: Troy Oliver
Staff: Ashley Dunkerley
Human Resources Committee
Jennifer Gilbreath-Chair
Benny Garza
Keith Porter
Officer: Lynita Foster
Staff: Ray Pieniazek |
Investments Committee
Eric Davis-Chair
Donald Guillory
John Holland
Brent Wicker
Staff: Ray Pieniazek |
Legislative Committee
Marty Resendez-Chair
Chase Carrol
Jeff Kennedy
Jeff Klose
Chris Wilder
Staff: Ray Pieniazek
Member Services Committee
Jacob Lange-Chair
Jesse Guerra
Nathan Jordan
Travis Lange
Rodney Peugh
Officer: Traylor Lenz
Staff: Michelle Vasbinder
Membership Committee
Roxanne Zahradnik-Chair
1 Aaron Bednarz
2 Keith Porter
3 Kevin Packman
4 Sean McGuire
5 Joe Molina
6 Brent Keifer
7 Patrick Padgett
8 Beth Gann
9 Brandon Otto
10 Bobby Farias
11 Roxanne Zahradnik
12 Wes McCarley
Officer: Toby Long
Staff: Karen Jones
Partnership and Cooperation Committee
Michelle Sammon-Chair
Dennis Bratton
Jeff Heffernan
Sean Williams
Staff: Tori Rosser |
Professional Improvement Committee
Greg Clark-Chair
Traci Broom
Amanda Kacal
John Rayfield
Officer: Lynita Foster
Staff: Michelle Vasbinder
Scholarship Committee
Casey Wilson-Chair
Doug Fox
Casey Jones
Brian Martin
Rusty Oaks
Mike Sammon
Officer: Troy Oliver
Staff: Karen Jones
Executive Committee
Area 1 - Jay Newton
Area 2 - Doug Fox
Area 3 - Kevin Packman
Area 4 - Rodney Peugh
Area 5 - Jennifer Gilbreath
Area 6 - Nathan Jordan
Area 7 - Eric Davis
Area 8 - Jimmy Key
Area 9 - Brandon Otto
Area 10 - Jesse Guerra
Area 11 - Roxane Zahradnik
Area 12 - Jeff Heffernan