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Agriculture Teachers Association Awards Press Releases      
For those who received a Agriculture Teachers Association award during our Professional Development Conference, you can download a press release highlighting your accomplishments. 

Conference Award Photos      

For those who received a Agriculture Teachers Association award and were recognized on stage at our Professional Development Conference, you can locate your photos below. 

2023 Conference Award Photos
2022 Conference Award Photos
2021 Conference Award Photos
2019 Conference Award Photos
2018 Conference Award Photos
2017 Conference Award Photos
2016 Conference Award Photos

Growing Our Future Magazine      
Our quarterly Texas Agricultural Science Education Magazine is a great way to stay updated on our latest events and achievements. View our back issue here

My Texas FFA      
We know you're FFA proud and want to show it, so we've created a great way to stay connected. Visit MyTexasFFA.org to download a bunch of posts, backgrounds and tweets to share whenever you want to show the world how you feel about your Texas FFA.

  Corporate Sponsors

For any media inquires contact our public relations firm.

The Power Group:

  Association Sponsors
  Texas Auctioneer Assn  

614 East 12th Street
Austin, TX 78701
Phone: (512) 472-3128
Fax: (512) 472-0555
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